Petition for bailout inquiry

In an attempt to rekindle the interest that saw his party burst onto the political scene this summer, Independent Greeks leader Panos Kammenos on Monday launched a petition aimed at setting up a parliamentary inquiry into how Greece entered the bailout mechanism.

?This is a form of direct democracy activism,? said Kammenos after signing the petition at a kiosk set up by the party in Syntagma Square, central Athens. Similar kiosks are to be set up in all of Greece?s main towns and cities. Kammenos slammed New Democracy and Democratic Left for not living up to pre-election pledges to form a committee to investigate the matter.

He said the inquiry would look into ?who led Greece to misery, who brought [IMF official] Poul Thomsen to be Greece?s uber-governor.?

Independent Greeks, which won 20 seats in the June elections, attempted to gain MPs? support for an inquiry but fell short of the 60 deputies required. Only Golden Dawn backed the move.

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