Terror suspect charged as raids on properties continue

Terror suspect charged as raids on properties continue

A 37-year-old man arrested earlier this week in the central Greek city of Volos was on Friday charged with belonging to a criminal organization and grand larceny.

Counterterrorism officers believe Giorgos Petrakakos is an accomplice of jailed terrorist and bank robber Nikos Maziotis and that he participated in a 2008 heist in which a police officer was killed.

Raids on Friday on property linked to Petrakakos and three suspected associates, also remanded, led to the seizure of laptop computers, walkie-talkies and maps of Greece, found in a rented van. It is believed the group was preparing to move from one hideout to another, possibly to a prefabricated house on a piece of land outside Volos purchased by Petrakakos’s partner in her father’s name.

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