Anarchists destroy cop car and three others

A group of firebomb-toting anarchists attacked and destroyed a police car and three other vehicles in central Athens on Saturday night. There were no injuries or arrests. The hooded youths attacked the patrol car a few blocks from the Exarchia police station, before 11 p.m. They threw several petrol bombs, causing a blaze that spread to three parked vehicles. The two officers in the police car managed to get out without suffering any injuries. Riot police were called in to disperse the anarchists so that four fire trucks could approach the burning vehicles – which by then had been gutted. The anarchists then set fire to garbage bins. Last week, anarchists firebombed two banks and an Interior Ministry office near Exarchia Square and on October 10, a predawn riot outside the Pedion tou Areos park led to one KTEL bus and a car being destroyed.

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