Airport troubles

Heavy snowfall on the runways in combination with a transportation breakdown to and from Athens airport that kept travelers and crews away resulted in hundreds of flights being canceled over the weekend. Olympic Airways alone canceled 150 flights. As a result, many passengers who somehow got to the Spata airport or who expected to change flights there instead got marooned in the airport building for over 48 hours. Although one runway was cleared yesterday, no planes took off.Flight information: Airport, 353.0000, Olympic, 936.9111, Aegean Airlines, 0801-20000, 998.8300. Hundreds of people spent up to 23 hours in their vehicles without food or water and with fuel – which kept their heating systems going – running out between 70 and 90 kilometers out of Athens. The last were able to start moving again about 6 p.m. on Saturday. Many had been there since early on Friday afternoon.

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