Arrest of a dangerous operator and paying the consequences

In early June along the Saronic coast near Vouliagmeni, two port authority craft were called in to stop a powerboat whose operator was engaging in dangerous maneuvers at high speed in a display for the benefit of two girls on board. After a brief chase, the port officials got him to halt and took him in for questioning. «I wanted to show the girls how well I could handle the boat. I apologize for my stupidity,» he said. Nevertheless, his apology wasn’t enough to dissuade officials from charging him and he was forced to face the consequences. According to the port authorities, the most frequent violations committed by boat operators are: – Dangerous maneuvers and water-skiing in areas where it is forbidden. – Speeding in ports, near coastlines or swimming beaches. – Operating without a license. – Overloading the boat with passengers above the permissible number. – Possession of fishing tackle without a fishing permit. – Absence of life-saving equipment. – Poor maintenance of VHF or other equipment. – Operating a boat under the influence of alcohol.

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