In unity we stand strong

In unity we stand strong

As the 4th International Conference of the Archons of the Ecumenical Patriarchate focused on protecting religious freedom and ensuring the future of the Patriarchate, as well as the first Global Summit of Archons that will follow, got under way in Athens, there is a lingering challenge for those who care about the future of the Greek Orthodox Church, but also of Hellenism in general; how to achieve and preserve unity.

The issue is not confined to the archons, a crucial pillar of support for the Patriarchate, but concerns the way a number of other important organizations and personalities interact and cooperate, or do not.

For obvious reasons, the Greek community of the United States is the most influential part of the global puzzle of Hellenism, and there the frictions and power games have become a worrisome reality.

The political and economic heavyweights, the Greek government, the leadership of the faith, and other less visible actors, all have a shared responsibility to avoid the personality clashes that have traumatized the cause, and to focus in ensuring the long-term survival and influence of the nation and the Church.

The challenge for all, including the media, at least the serious and influential opinion makers that really care and can have an impact, is to create the necessary conditions for sincere communication to take place and people to come together.

All the protagonists need to take a step back, and instead of backstabbing and attacks, public or in the background, establish a process of mutual compromises that will allow if not for close cooperation, at least for better coordination.

All should rise above their egos. Not an easy task, it is true.

Still, in these turbulent times when Hellenism and the Greek Orthodox Church are facing multiple challenges and even threats, the only way to stand strong is in unity. 

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