September 21, 1952

PEURIFOY: The king (Pavlos) returned yesterday afternoon from Petalioi (where there is a royal residence) and received US Ambassador John Peurifoy in a lengthy meeting. (…). Although no statements were issued regarding the content of their talks, it is considered certain that they were not restricted simply to Mr G. Vendiris’s submission of his resignation as director of the palace’s general secretariat (after the revelation that his brother had written anti-American articles in a pro-government newspaper), but had focused on the general political situation in view of the ambassador’s imminent departure for the US to brief his government. Peurifoy wanted the head of state’s views on imminent political developments in Greece, on which the only authority is the king, who has the constitutional power to dissolve Parliament. The political situation is expected to become clear once the new electoral law is passed. KOUN SCHOOL: The Drama School of the Karolos Koun Art Theater has announced that it has reorganized this year, increased the number of teaching staff and introduced a complete program of lessons such as acting, improvisation, history of theater and modern Greek literature, drama, elocution and other subjects. Teachers will include Messrs Vassilis Diamantopoulos, Minos Volonakis, Maria Alkaiou and Karolos Koun. TIMOS MORAITINIS: The playwright and journalist Timos Moraitinis has broken his leg after falling in Loutraki.

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