25.07.2023 / 13:48

More than 250 residents on Paros defied the uncontrolled spread of privately run loungers and umbrellas on the popular Cycladic island’s coasts on Sunday, demanding space to put down their towels.

06.12.2018 / 12:36

People must “choose wisely” what kind of impact they have on the planet, Dr Jane Goodall tells Kathimerini in an interview about the work being done by the Greek branch of her Roots & Shoots initiative and ahead of her visit to three Greek cities on December 9-11 to spread the message of conservation.

05.10.2017 / 17:05

It was late August 2005 when a group of mountaineers based in Vrilissia, northern Athens, arrived on Icaria with the aim of mapping the Aegean island’s network of mountain paths, which up until then were mostly uncharted and had in many cases become impassable.

23.08.2017 / 16:30

The twin-engine bomber lay undisturbed in the depths off Icaria in the eastern Aegean for 72 years until a team of divers discovered the old fighter plane on the seabed, 18 meters beneath the waves.

16.08.2017 / 14:53

“Mining is really demanding. Emery miners are forced to inhale dynamite smoke in tunnels as deep as 500 meters beneath the surface. Most miners suffer from silicosis [an occupational lung disease], and, if they live long enough, are affected by arthritic and rheumatic conditions caused by the damp inside the mines,” noted Manolis Manolas, a seasoned miner with more knowledge than most on the mines in the mountains of Naxos.

16.08.2017 / 10:39

It’s been almost 13 years since that night at the Olympic Stadium in Athens on August 29, 2004, when Foteini Leonidopoulou, aged 10 at the time and dressed in a simple white shift, walked in front of a crowd of thousands and “blew out” the Olympic Flame.