Logistics has great scope for growth

Logistics has great scope for growth

The logistics sector in Greece has particularly positive prospects, according to a report by Alpha Bank, including the possibility to further utilize the country’s position as a transport hub in Southeastern Europe and a junction between Western Europe and Asia.

The bank’s analysts argue that there is considerable scope for investments in supply chain parks, storage spaces, island ports, the road and railway network and its link with the country’s ports.

Green investments in technologies for the reduction of carbon dioxide emissions and other environmentally friendly technologies such as the expanded use of electric vehicles and the broader application of new technologies and digitalization, are all important for the further development of the sector.

At the moment there are major projects under construction, including the upgrading of road and railway transport, as well as new investments such as the Thriasio Logistics Center.

A catalyst for the strengthening of logistics is the further growth of electronic commerce and the efficient utilization of available investment resources from European funds.

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