Staikouras: Greece’s prospects are good, more work is needed

Staikouras: Greece’s prospects are good, more work is needed

Addressing an event held in his home town Lamia in his honor, after he was named Finance Minister of the Year 2023 for Europe by the FT group’s Banker magazine, Finance Minister Christos Staikouras stressed that the distinction awarded to him was “not just personal but primarily collective.”

“The European distinction for my person reflects the recognition and approval of the international community for the performance and progress of our country…. in the crucial area of the economy,” Staikouras said, adding that it was also a harbinger of “yet more successes for our country, even greater conquests for our people, even better prospects for our children…”

He noted that this is “a reward for the sacrifices of the Greek people but also a confirmation of the government’s hard work… and an incessant effort that began in July 2019 and is ongoing.”

Staikouras said that Greece could be proud of what it has achieved and optimistic about what was coming, since its prospects were realistically good, but could not afford to become complacent “as we still have a lot of work ahead of us.”

“We will do this [work], all together, in a climate of national responsibility and seriousness, with the greatest possible political consensus and understanding, further forging social cohesion,” he added.

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