Cyprus eases construction permit requirements

Cyprus eases construction permit requirements

Cyprus’ Ministry of Interior has introduced a comprehensive plan featuring 22 measures aimed at simplifying and expediting the inspection of planning applications.]

A key change is the legislative elimination of the requirement for planning and building permits for small developments, including houses and small apartment buildings. This decision, announced by Interior Minister Konstantinos Ioannou, will come into effect by July 1, 2024. 

Additionally, the plan includes streamlining procedures for low-risk development applications, involving specialists in architecture and civil engineering to ensure application accuracy.

The initiative will also differentiate the procedure for consultations with various agencies, incorporating requirements at the application stage rather than during the inspection. The plan intends to alleviate delays, especially in complex developments requiring input from multiple departments such as environment and fire departments.

Notably, these changes will primarily affect smaller developments and are part of a broader effort to enhance the efficiency of planning and building authorities in Cyprus. 

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