Court pulls the plug on illegal building’s demolition

Court pulls the plug on  illegal building’s demolition

The Athens Administrative Court of Appeal has again come to the rescue of illegally built buildings after it ruled against the demolition of a carpet shop on Marathonos Avenue, which had been pending since 2016. The decision to demolish the building had been finalized years ago and therefore there is no further appeal or appeal procedure.

The building in question, located in the area of Gerakas, is 180 sq.m. and located within an illegal extension of an old building. The building was declared arbitrary by the Planning Department of Pallini in September 2016 and its demolition was recently scheduled by the Decentralized Administration of Attica. The demolition was originally scheduled for October 18, but it has already been postponed twice. 

The representative of the illegal building requested a suspension, arguing that there were errors and deficiencies in the 2016 demolition decision, which has now become final (i.e. the process was completed years ago).

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