Venizelos calls for police to break Golden Dawn links

PASOK leader Evangelos Venizelos on Friday called for the police to be purged of all links with neo-Nazi Golden Dawn.

Critics have pointed to strong links between the far-right party and some officers in the force and Venizelos said that the police must improve their “internal monitoring” to ensure that Golden Dawn does not gain undue influence in the force.

Speaking at an event organized by the Andreas Papandreou Foundation (ISTAME) in Athens, Venizelos also called for civil society and the justice system to become more active in opposing Golden Dawn’s actions.

The PASOK leader also said it was time for the Church of Greece to take a clear stance over Golden Dawn, repeating his belief that the party is “unconstitutional” and should be isolated.

Golden Dawn said Venizelos’s attack on the party was designed to attract “the praise of international usurers.”

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