Less noise, more real reform

Much ado about nothing is what the government is creating when it opens up too many fronts on reform without having clear objectives, without knowing in advance how far it can push various issues and without a solid plan for action that takes into account all the parameters that may influence the outcome and implementation of any decision. This has already happened with the notorious plan to freeze top public sector salaries, an issue that drew reaction from within the ranks of PASOK, and will now most probably occur again over social security reform. Constant announcements and public appearances do not solve problems, they simply create noise, allow those who oppose any given plan time to organize themselves and harm the government’s popularity. George Papandreou’s government has already been seen to back down on a variety of issues without putting up much of a fight. It is hardly surprising, therefore, that some believe it lacks the resolve necessary for major reforms and that it is eventually unwilling to rock the boat.

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