Marriage, baptism, divorce papers at a click

The Ministry of Digital Governance is developing express procedures for the issue of marriage licenses, baptisms, and divorce dissolutions with the blessings of the Church. 

The only response to abuses of power

The dialogue that took place between Lefteris Avgenakis and the airline employee matters, chiefly as a piece of evidence. But even without the audio, the video of the incident contains all the elements that make every form of flaunting power so abhorrent.

We women still have a long way to go

Yes, it is a relief when justice works. When domestic abusers pay a price for their actions, when the system follows the legal procedure without discounts due to personal acquaintances or influence from powerful friends.

When modernization is ‘out of order’

A pair of Australian tourists were astonished to hear that their cab ride from the port of Piraeus to the central Athens neighborhood of Pangrati was going to cost them a whopping 350 euros.

What do Greeks believe in 2024?

DiaNEOsis, which has been monitoring the attitudes and perceptions of Greek society for a decade, just published an all-encompassing three part survey looking at what Greeks believe on a variety of issues.

My name is Sulejman, but here I am Thanasis

When Sulejman secretly crossed the Greek-Albanian border in 1991 and reached Katerini, he didn’t speak a word of Greek. However, he was determined not to return home, at least not without having saved some money to help his family and to later build his life in the new Albanian reality.

Tackling climate change, the old-school way

Participants in a grassroots initiative on the eastern Aegean island of Lesvos rebuild a dry-stone wall in the village of Anemotia, in a photograph released on Saturday.

All for nothing

The victim of the latest femicide, which took place in the Athens suburb of Menidi on May 16, had not hesitated: She had reported her abusive partner to the police three times since 2013.

Shielding seniors from isolation

Alexandra Stasinopoulou, member of the Board of Directors of the Michael N. Stassinopoulos-Viohalco Public Benefit Foundation, and Antonis Politis, professor of psychiatry at the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, stand outside the Mentor Healthy Ageing Center in Tegea, in southern Greece.