Healthcare & Life Sciences meeting

Healthcare & Life Sciences meeting

One year after the first meeting of the Healthcare & Life Sciences group organized by the Hellenic Federation of Enterprises (SEV) within the framework of the Innovative Greeks initiative, the 5th consecutive Meetup is being organized and will host Dr Stelios Papadopoulos, chairman of the board of the American biotechnology company Biogen. The Meetup, always with the aim of strengthening the Greek ecosystem of health and life sciences services, will take place on Thursday at the SEV offices.

As the relevant statement notes, through the Meetup, the 80 members of the community created by SEV for the healthtech sector, will have the opportunity to talk to Papadopoulos about global trends in the field of health sciences and the prospects for the development of the Greek innovation ecosystem.

Papadopoulos will share his experience from America, answering the questions of Stelios Tzanis, CEO of Athens LifeTech Park, and Lampros Kourtis, co-founder and CSO of Chronicles Health.

Innovative Greeks, an initiative of the SEV Innovation Committee, was created with the aim of uniting the nation’s most inventive youngsters from around the world.

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