Tax deadline extended again

Tax deadline extended again

The National Economy and Finance Ministry has decided on a second extension of the deadline for submitting tax returns, until August 31.

The relevant provision with the extension of the deadlines for individuals and enterprises was submitted to Parliament on Tuesday, but without changing the tax payment schedule. This means that those taxpayers who submit their tax declarations by the new deadline will have to pay a double installment by end-August, effectively including the current July installment. The last installment will still have to be paid by the end of February 2024.

The provision for a 3% discount for a lump-sum payment is retained only for taxpayers who file their return and pay their tax dues by the end of July.

According to Independent Authority for Public Revenue (AADE) data, 5,315,781 tax statements have been submitted so far, out of a total of some 6.5 million. From the statistics it follows that 48.81% of taxpayers will pay no extra tax to the state, and 16.49% of tax statements will receive tax rebates, which average at 378 euros per taxpayer.

The remaining 34.69% of taxpayers will have to pay extra tax for their 2022 incomes. The total tax due corresponding to those 1,844,044 declarations amounts to €2.38 billion, or €1,295 on average.

According to some other amendments tabled for the tax bill, the Hellenic Corporation of Assets and Participations (HCAP) is returning the stakes it had in the Athens and Thessaloniki water companies (EYDAP and EYATH) to the state; the corporate governance framework for the listing of Athens International Airport on the stock market is regulated, so as to strengthen the Greek capital market and attract investors; the employment contracts of workers at companies damaged by wildfires or other natural disasters can be suspended for up to three months, with employees receiving social security coverage and a monthly allowance of up to €534 per month.

Further amendments exempt buildings damaged by the July wildfires from the Single Property Tax (ENFIA) for three years, and exclude postal services that are state-subsidized from value-added tax. 

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