PGI status to another cheese from Cyprus

PGI status to another cheese from Cyprus

Halitzi, the traditional white cheese from the Cypriot region of Tylliria, has been officially recognized with protected geographical indication (PGI) status, according to an announcement shared on social media by the European Commission in Cyprus last week.

This designation underscores the unique characteristics and regional significance of this special cheese that is something like a cross between feta and halloumi, made from fresh goat’s milk by small cottage industries nestled in Tylliria.

While not having attained the widespread popularity of halloumi, Tylliria’s halitzi has been quietly gaining traction on restaurant menus over the past few years. The distinct flavor profile and artisanal production methods contribute to the appeal of this regional delicacy.

The journey to PGI recognition began with the publication of the application in August, marking a pivotal step in acknowledging and safeguarding the cultural and geographical identity of halitzi.

This success aligns with ongoing efforts, where the red potato is also actively being considered for PGI registration, showcasing the diverse and distinctive agricultural products originating from the region of Tylliria.

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