Greek leadership in CAP reform efforts

Greek leadership in CAP reform efforts

The new regulation for the Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) 2023-2027 has been published in the Official Journal of the European Union, introducing changes to the standards for Good Agricultural and Environmental Practices, which took effect on Saturday.

The Greek government has exerted significant pressure in this regard. In addition to submitting 19 proposed amendments by the Ministry of Rural Development and Food, Minister Lefteris Avgenakis collaborated closely with the group of nine Mediterranean countries (EUMED9), some of which supported the proposed changes.

It’s noteworthy that these proposals were endorsed by the European People’s Party. Avgenakis emphasized: “We have been leading the effort to reform the CAP. While some not only refused to support but also mocked our endeavor, we championed the cause of Greek farmers within the EU, presenting 19 proposals for amendments to the current Common Agricultural Policy.”

He further added: “Our proposals were embraced by the European People’s Party, backed by the EUMED9, and some were approved by the European Parliament. Meanwhile, other Greek parties either voted against or abstained.”

The CAP encompasses a set of nine standards beneficial for both the environment and climate, and the farmers, as they receive support under this policy.

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