Golden Dawn appeals trial begins, is immediately adjourned

Golden Dawn appeals trial begins, is immediately adjourned

An Athens court began hearing appeals on Wednesday against the convictions 18 months ago of leaders and regional members of the neo-Nazi Golden Dawn party for a series of criminal activities. The trial was adjourned until July 6.

Most of the imprisoned defendants were absent, including Giorgos Roupakias, who is serving a life sentence for the murder of rapper Pavlos Fyssas, as well as GD leader Nikos Michaloliakos.

Michaloliakos’ defense told the court he is in a rehabilitation center after a three-month ICU stay due to a Covid infection, and that his health condition is extremely serious. His defense submitted a request for a postponement of the trial, which will be considered by the court, while many requests were submitted by other defendants.

The appealing defendants number around 50, most of whom are facing serious charges, such as being members of a criminal organization, homicide, attempted homicide and others.

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