Main opposition leader invites SYRIZA MPs to a working holiday in Spetses

Main opposition leader invites SYRIZA MPs to a working holiday in Spetses

Main opposition SYRIZA leader Stefanos Kasselakis invited the party’s parliamentary group for a three-day working meeting in his holiday home on the island of Spetses.

According to the email invitation the MPs received on Wednesday, the meeting aims to plan parliamentary action for the first semester of 2024, with invitees asked to prepare and propose new pieces of legislation.

The unusual invitation was reluctantly accepted by the MPs, according to party officials. The style of the email invitation also annoyed MP Elena Akrita, who found its tone imperative and responded that it would be “more suitable for first-year students of the police school.” 

“I know that much of what I do is unusual for the Greek political scene,” Kasselakis said in a post on platform X following criticism.

“I have invited the SYRIZA MPs to my house in Spetses – which in January is far from being a tourist destination. Together for three whole days, each of us will analyze our proposals in our respective fields and draw up our common strategy.”

He said that the three-day retreat in his island house is far from a holiday, but a three-day work trip, “particularly common in other countries, and it is a highly productive and efficient process. These are not done in a few hours’ meetings.”

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