More Greek pupils vying for a spot at ‘model schools’

More Greek pupils vying for a spot at ‘model schools’

Demand for a spot at one of Greece’s so-called “model schools” has been rising since the institution was relaunched in 2021, with the aim of promoting more innovative teaching methods and advanced curriculums compared with conventional public schools.

A total of 9,454 pupils sat the test on Saturday, competing for one of the 1,794 spots at the schools in the next academic year. The number of pupils who sat the test last year was 9,276 for 1,696 spots, while in their relaunch year in 2021 it was 6,231 for 1,494 spots, pointing not just to a rise in interest, but also to the expansion of the institution.

Kathimerini understands that such is the competition for these spots, parents start arranging private preparatory tuition at elementary school. Indeed, according to data, nine in 10 elementary school pupils eyeing a spot at a model middle school receive private tuition in the two subjects tested: mathematics and language.

The cost for these classes can range from 200 to 300 euros a month at a cramming school (frontistirio), according to sector professionals, coming to an annual cost of around 2,000 euros, from September to May.
This year’s competition was not without controversy, however, as several parents complained to the Education Ministry about three questions on the language test for sixth grade, which, they claim, were badly worded and outside the scope of the curriculum.


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