
Students who are not Greek Orthodox, or who do not identify with any religion, will be taught ethics at school instead of the religious instruction class if there are sufficient numbers, the Education Ministry announced on Thursday.

18.07.2024 / 22:52

The great majority of the 25,000 teachers appointed in public schools in 2022 have agreed to be evaluated to ensure permanent employment, Education Ministry officials said Wednesday.

04.06.2024 / 08:03

The first batch of students will be graduating in the coming days from Athens University’s English-language programs, as Greece’s effort to become more of an international education hub gains momentum.

31.05.2024 / 07:00

To achieve the growth leap that Greece needs to significantly reduce unemployment and replace the 1 million jobs lost due to the economic crisis and the brain drain, Greece must create a few hundred thousand highly skilled jobs in the coming years.

25.05.2024 / 22:05

One in five children are at risk of graduating from elementary and middle school functionally illiterate, according to a 2023 report by the scientific committee of the Authority for Quality Assurance in Primary and Secondary Education (ADIPPDE), the Greek equivalent of the Program for International Student Assessment, or PISA, which is a worldwide study by the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development) on the competitive exams that are organized every year.

15.05.2024 / 14:20

The police intervention on Tuesday morning to end the occupation of the Theoretical Sciences Building of the Athens Law School on Solonos Street by a group of students and others signified that university authorities are beginning to break free from the shackles of past decades.

08.05.2024 / 20:01

Students with disabilities in general education structures increased by almost 60% in eight years in a trend attributed to a combination of factors, but mainly to the awareness of parents, who no longer sweep the problem under the family rug.

11.04.2024 / 11:28

Greece’s Health Ministry is preparing a program aimed at developing a model for the prevention and treatment of juvenile delinquency, Stelios Stylianidis, psychiatrist-psychoanalyst and professor emeritus of social psychiatry at Athens’ Panteion University, told Kathimerini. 

10.04.2024 / 09:45

Seeking to tackle the rise in cases of bullying, the government has announced a series of preventive measures which include, among others, stricter penalties for students for acts of violence at school and parents’ co-responsibility for their children’s actions.

08.04.2024 / 00:13

More than 120,000 university graduates are waiting to be appointed to teaching positions in public primary and secondary schools, and it will not happen anytime soon.

30.03.2024 / 18:00

More than 52% (180) of 346 young, successful, innovative entrepreneurs active in Greece and abroad have earned undergraduate and postgraduate degrees from at least one public university in the country, according to Savy.gr, a professional services comparison company.

28.03.2024 / 13:03

Education experts are hailing the advent of online cramming schools in Greece as an educational El Dorado, given that some are even paid up 1,200 euros from countries of the Middle East.