Attempted murder probe reveals link to money-laundering case

The investigation into the involvement of a 41-year-old businessman in the attempted murder of an associate last summer has yielded information relating to the money-laundering charges for which the suspect is currently facing trial, Kathimerini has learned.

Identified only as L.L., the suspect allegedly paid associates to send a floral arrangement rigged to an explosive device to the southern Athenian home of his 43-year-old friend and business acquaintance in June 2012.

The device exploded when the man, identified as A.A., opened it, causing injuries to his abdomen and lower limbs. The victim is alleged to have been romantically involved with L.L.’s wife.

The investigation into the attack on A.A., which included wiretaps on the mobile phones of known associates, revealed that L.L. had used an unregistered cell phone to call him on several occasions prior to the attack. From this line of inquiry it also emerged that L.L. made numerous international calls from June 2012 – when the investigation into the attempted murder was launched – until December of the same year, when he was arrested for financial crimes.

L.L. is said to have spoken to contacts in Singapore, Hong Kong, Switzerland and Bali and discussed opening offshore bank accounts and purchasing real estate, leading police to believe that he was looking to launder ill-gotten gains prior to his impending arrest.

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