Mitsotakis warns about risk of low turnout in European elections

Mitsotakis warns about risk of low turnout in European elections

June’s European Parliament elections could see a low turnout, Prime Minister Kyriakos Mitsotakis has warned.

“The risk of abstention is real, especially as the European elections are being held at the same time as national or local elections,” he said, in an interview with Star TV.

The premier told the station that he has no doubt that his party “New Democracy will be the dominant force” after the elections.

Acknowledging that the “weakest households were under pressure” due to inflation, he said that there were signs that the problem was easing.

He said it was “unacceptable” that large multinationals in Greece were selling the same products at significantly different prices to other markets and bemoaned that his government’s recent efforts to tackle the problem have not found a “universal response from the political system.”

Addressing the problem of high rents, the premier said his government was considering placing more restrictions on Airbnb if necessary.

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