
Deposits showed a significant increase in the Greek banking system last month, while corporate credit also posted a notable expansion, according to official figures released on Thursday.

25.07.2024 / 22:10

The agreement between bank bailout fund HFSF and Thrivest Holdings for the merger of Attica Bank with Pancreta is the “optimal solution for the Greek state, with a view to both ensuring financial stability and the benefit of the taxpayer,” central banker Yannis Stournaras said.

13.06.2024 / 16:11

Gone are the days of chatbots that appeared on a website and provided standard answers to specific questions from customers, without actually improving the service but rather irritating the customer.

10.06.2024 / 14:51

Greek banks are starting to adjust their dividend policy to the European average, with the approval of the European Central Bank’s Single Supervisory Mechanism of the dividend distribution for last year, for the first time in 16 years.

04.06.2024 / 08:46

One after another, Greece’s commercial banks are offering special housing programs aimed at people up to 40 years of age, with the aim of facilitating their purchase or renovation of a home.

28.05.2024 / 09:13

Savings in Greece have collapsed since 2002, especially private savings – i.e. by households and businesses – Eurobank argues in a special study which was presented on Monday, with a deterioration of the savings rate observed in the five-year period 2018-2022.

28.05.2024 / 08:01

About three-fifths of Greek banks’ commissions come from loan issues, payments and card transactions, which increased by 17.5% in the last two years.

24.05.2024 / 12:13

More than three out of four fraud incidents (over 77%) recorded in 2023 started on social media platforms.

21.05.2024 / 19:36

Ten years or so after the start of the huge expansion of credit and debit cards in Greece, the country seems to have locked on the use of “plastic money,” lagging behind the modern trends of electronic payments.

13.05.2024 / 13:52

One in every three taxpayers (about 2.1 million) who declares an income of up to 5,000 euros per annum does not have access to bank loans for house purchase.