Employment continued its expansion in June

Employment continued its expansion in June

The employment balance in Greece remained positive for the fifth month in a row in June, as hirings outnumbered layoffs, resulting in the creation of 19,113 new jobs.

Still, according to the data from the Ergani information system, these new jobs are significantly reduced compared to the 73,502 that were created last year, given that in 2021 the tourism season started later as a result of restrictions put in force due to the coronavirus pandemic.

There are several important findings in the data that should concern the Ministry of Labor, such as that hirings for part-time and shift work have taken the upper hand again or that there has been a significant reduction in jobs in the 30-44 age group, where over 17,000 jobs were lost. Another finding is that with the exception of the southern Aegean, fewer jobs were created in traditionally “touristic” regions this year.

The Ergani database showed that hirings reached 329,966, up by 18,317 from June 2021 (311,649). However, there were many more departures, given that after the end of the support measures, the employment protection clauses also gradually ended.

According to the data, 310,853 layoffs were reported last month, compared to 238,147 in June 2021. Consequently, 54,389 fewer new jobs were created this June, compared to the corresponding month of 2021.

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