Integration of social security databases is underway

EFKA is about to enter a new era, thanks to the integration of 88 databases into a single one

Integration of social security databases is underway

The Single Social Security Entity is entering a new digitization phase, as seven reforms are already under way which, when completed, are expected to turn EFKA into a truly modern organization.

Among other things, the integration of EFKA’s 88 different databases – which have been unable to communicate with each other until now – into a single electronic database that will also be connected to the Center for the Collection of Social Security Debts (KEAO) is under way, allowing for even faster processing of insurance and pension cases.

At the same time, the digitization of the insurance records of all employees is also starting, as at the moment, social security stamps have been digitized only from 2002 onwards, while older ones are still in paper form. This way, with one click, the insured will gain access to their insurance CV, which will also speed up pension issues.

The new actions that have started being implemented and are expected to be completed within the next three years were presented by Labor Minister Kostis Hatzidakis at a special event held on Wednesday at the Athens Concert Hall. The seven key reforms can be summarized as follows:

– Integration of the 88 different EFKA databases into an Integrated Information System that will also communicate with the systems of the Insurance Debt Collection Center (KEAO).

– Digitization of the insurance records of all the insured, with the digitization of all official documents, also from before 2002.

– Interconnection of the Ergani employment database system with EFKA’s “Ariadni” Program, so that auditors can know in real time the hours, pay and status of each employee. 

– Implementation of 15 new electronic services within the next 15 months.

– Expansion of the institution of “front desk” customer services and of EFKA’s 117 physical points nationwide.

– Radical renovation of all EFKA branches by end-2024

– Completion of the placement of new EFKA general managers by end-May and some 200 managers by year-end.

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