Cheap rates for electricity set to shift

Cheap rates for electricity set to shift

The Ministry of Environment and Energy is considering scenarios shifting the night electricity tariff to midday hours, so as to deal with the twin problem of green energy cuts and zero and negative prices that is developing structurally, as demand does not follow the growing penetration of renewable energy sources.

More and more often during the midday hours, when RES production peaks due to the maximum efficiency of photovoltaics, the Independent Power Transmission Operator (ADMIE) is forced to take RES units out of the system to balance production with demand and prevent blackouts.

Shifting demand during peak hours will reduce the need for green energy cuts, and the political leadership of the ministry is even considering combining it with a subsidy program for the purchase of “smart” household appliances so that consumers can turn on energy-consuming appliances via remote operation, since the new night tariff times are expected to be moved to between 11 a.m. and 4 p.m., which are business hours.

The measures will be finalized in collaboration with the regulator (RAAEY) and grid operator DEDDIE and will take the form of legislative regulation.

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