Unknown assailants target French Consulate building in Patra

Unknown assailants target French Consulate building in Patra

A group of around 15 individuals carried out an attack on the building that houses the French Consulate in the center of Patra, in the western Peloponnese region, in the early hours of Thursday. The assailants caused damage to the building’s facade and a parked vehicle. No injuries have been reported.

According to the police, the group members wore hoods to conceal their identities and gloves on their hands. They initially used fire extinguishers to create a cloud of dry dust, and subsequently threw seven glass bottles filled with red paint, resulting in damage to the front of the building. An adjacent parked car also suffered significant damage.

In their investigation to apprehend the perpetrators, authorities collected remnants of the glass bottles from the scene. They are also examining security camera footage from the surrounding area. At present, no group has claimed responsibility for the attack.

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