Contemporary Ceramics Biennale | Santorini | June-October 2024

Contemporary Ceramics Biennale | Santorini | June-October 2024

Big Blue Dot, a nonprofit organization based in Greece, is devoted to advancing the evolution of contemporary ceramics. Rooted in the desire to elevate Greek ceramic art on the global stage, this new biennial event aims to artistic exchange and offer a fresh perspective on Greece’s cultural heritage through contemporary art. Unlike traditional exhibitions, the Big Blue Dot Biennale (bigbluedot.art) roams from one Greek island to another, drawing inspiration from each location’s history and mythology. The inaugural event in 2024 will be on Santorini, inspired by the archaeological site of Akrotiri. Proposals can be submitted by international and Greek artists of all mediums with the only condition that the main material is clay and that the works are current and related to the theme of the exhibition.


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