Earlier minimum salary hike

Earlier minimum salary hike

The acceleration of the process of determining the minimum salary, in order for the increase to be implemented earlier and to support employees in practice, will be one the first interventions by the new Minister of Labor, Domna Michailidou, as she tells Kathimerini.

The new hike in the minimum salary will bring closer the target of 950 euros per month set to be reached within the government’s four-year mandate that expires in June 2027.

Having returned to the ministry at 29 Stadiou Street, in her new position as a minister this time, Michailidou talked to Kathimerini in an interview about her immediate priorities that include the strengthening of employment for young people and women, the effort to solve the problem of lack of properly qualified personnel, as well as the intention to reform unemployment benefits, in order for them to be more remunerative and therefore fairer to those who have been paying contributions to the social security system for many years.

Michailidou described the next moves of the ministry and the Single Social Security Entity (EFKA) in the effort to zero out the backlogs, and declared her intention to strike a golden balance on the medical and pharmaceutical coverage for the self-employed and the jobless.

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