Fear returns to Exarchia

Fear returns to Exarchia

Alejandro Gkikopoulos stands in his shop, Polyamorous, in downtown Exarchia. Specializing in flowers and spirits, it was recently vandalized by unknown perpetrators purportedly seeking to stem the tide of gentrification in this once-bohemian Athenian neighborhood. Subsequent attacks occurred on other businesses perceived as contributing to the area’s changing character and rising prices. Another shop owner, speaking anonymously, regrets establishing a business there. “I cannot find joy in it. I am simultaneously terrified and nervous,” he said. “There is no ideology behind all this. Exarchia was reputedly the most liberal neighborhood, where one could freely express themselves. However, it seems if you don’t have spikes on your boots or a balaclava, you’re not welcome.” Gkikopoulos reflects on the unforeseen turn of events but remains undeterred. “I never imagined such a thing would happen to me,” he says. “Yet, I refuse to be intimidated. It’s inconceivable that we must all live in fear. Are we to cower before a handful of individuals? Far from demoralizing me, this ordeal is giving me the drive to do even better.” [Angelos Giotopoulos]

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