Driving under the influence still an issue, survey shows

Driving under the influence still an issue, survey shows

Although there has been a significant decline since 2000 in fatal accidents due to driving under the influence of alcohol, almost one in two respondents (44%) said in a recent nationwide survey of 2,191 people conducted by Ierax Analytix for the EUROKTEO MOT center in Thessaloniki that they have driven while inebriated at least once.

The percentage was higher compared to other corresponding surveys in recent years. In 2018, the European Road Safety Observatory showed that 19% had stated that they had driven under the influence of alcohol at least once in the last 30 days, the fifth highest percentage in the EU for that year.

In 2013, there were 30,853 such violations in the country, according to data published last year by the Road Safety Observatory of the National Technical University of Athens. Five years later, they had reached 33,394. After a significant drop in 2020 and 2021, violations reached 24,533 in 2022.

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