Why is technology mean to me?

It is never easy to reexamine one’s fundamental convictions, but now I am forced to question my previous disbelief in the existence of Satan. I am compelled to confront this ugly possibility by the fact that from time to time my electronic devices seem to fall under demonic possession.

Migration Ministry fined for data protection violations

The Personal Data Protection Authority has imposed a 175,000-euro fine on the Migration and Asylum Ministry for the development and installation of the Hyperion and Centaur biometric control and surveillance systems at the reception centers for asylum seekers on islands of the Aegean.

Competition watchdog raids 10 tech companies for possible bid rigging

Teams of Greece’s competition authority conducted unannounced inspections in the offices of a large number of IT and related service providers, including the country’s three telecommunications service providers, on Wednesday, as part of an investigation into possible bid rigging. 

How the internet is normalizing violence for Greek youngsters

The incident that shook Thessaloniki to its core a couple of days ago was an appalling scene: a mob of angry youngsters chasing, throwing bottles, and verbally assaulting two LGBTQ+ individuals in one of the city’s most prominent locations.

The ‘national mourning’ that never was: Combating fake news in Erdogan’s Turkey

Turkey is definitely not one of those countries that excel as standard-bearers when it comes to balanced reporting and media freedoms or media literacy. On the contrary, it usually appears in the international press for its – many – media deficiencies, whether it be censorship cases, propaganda-induced fake news or media ownership concentration issues.

The tax office cellphone app

Taxpayers may now pay taxes, make appointments with the tax office, save all the necessary tax documents, and be updated on payment deadlines from their smartphones.

TikTok is its own worst enemy

I was really rooting for TikTok. In 2020, when the Trump administration first tried to force TikTok’s Chinese owner, ByteDance, to sell the app or risk having it shut down, I argued that banning TikTok in the United States would do more harm than good.

Teens agree less cell use, better grades

Two out of three teenagers think that if they used their mobile phones less they would perform better at school, according to the finds of a survey of 2,291 high school students and graduates by the Poukamisas Educational Center, seeking to assess their relationship with their devices and the impact in and out of school.

Digital platform to shield Greece from fake news

Seeking to combat the spread of lies about the country, the ministries of Foreign Affairs and Digital Governance are reportedly preparing to launch a new digital platform that will use AI to identify false news.

When eyes in the sky start looking right at you

For decades, privacy experts have been wary of snooping from space. They feared satellites powerful enough to zoom in on individuals, capturing close-ups that might differentiate adults from children or suited sunbathers from those in a state of nature.