Even if the Greek capital had the best traffic police force in the world and even if it had smart cameras installed everywhere, the problem of traffic congestion would not be solved. 


Even if the Greek capital had the best traffic police force in the world and even if it had smart cameras installed everywhere, the problem of traffic congestion would not be solved. 


New Democracy celebrated its 50th anniversary with a street party, as nostalgia dedicated the need to pick up the original torch – as featured in the conservative party’s banner – to serve as a comforting reminder of its roots.


The election of Nikos Christodoulides to the Presidency of the Republic of Cyprus is a new development in the island nation's political scene as it was done, for the first time, without the the support of the two major parties – Democratic Rally (DISY) and communist-rooted AKEL.


Ilias Iliou, the parliamentary group representative for the United Democratic Left (EDA) party between 1958-1967 and a politician who was widely respected, even by his rivals, once quipped about the communists’ unique ability to turn a mundane procedure like a meeting into a process that needs to be suffered through. The events in the last […]


Why are wages so low, why are we in last place among the EU’s 27 member-states in the average hourly wage in terms of purchasing power – even below Bulgaria?


“[With its] unique island geography, Greece serves as an ideal model for implementing eco-village initiatives,” James Ehrlich, director of compassionate sustainability at Stanford University, said during a discussion on sustainable tourism at Kathimerini’s "Reimagine Tourism in Greece" conference on Wednesday. 


Mario Draghi’s findings in his report “The Future of European Competitiveness,” and the concerns of academics, professionals and entrepreneurs, lead to the conclusion that Europe is not just at a critical point, it is on a cliff’s edge.


Is the rise in violence among minors unprecedented? Clearly not. However, the topic is always intriguing and invites simplistic conclusions. In the past, video games, children of divorced parents, and schools in underprivileged neighborhoods were viewed as the primary causes of violent behavior.


There is one law that has applied in every society and almost throughout human history. The law of supply and demand. It is simple and does not need legislation. It creates what Austrian economist and academic Friedrich Hayek called “spontaneous order” and solves the problem of scarcity.


It is true that a gloom has descended on the holiday season again this winter, with a large part of the population continuing to be wary and mindful of the virus’ effects, particularly as it seems inevitable that the Omicron variant will take over by mid-January.


I am full of good memories from my recent holiday experience on the Aegean island of Skiathos, but there is one thing that really stood out: the public transportation. With the situation in public transportation being what it is in most parts of Greece, any exception is worth mentioning.